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  • Writer's pictureJacklyn Vo

May 28th, 2019

Looking back at the quarter, I realized that I have made a huge difference in my consumption thought process. Before I choose what brand to buy, I look at the composition of its packaging. This change of attitude has helped to reduce my waste, but obviously I've struggled to eliminate plastic and other unsustainable materials out of my life. My mason jar is now just a collection of stickers because YOU CAN'T GET AWAY FROM FRUIT & VEGGIE STICKERS! I don't think we could do anything to stop companies from placing stickers, but wow they are a waste...

I have also been more proactive in bringing my own cup/straw/tupperware everywhere I go. It's second nature to bring my own things to the stores now. Practice really does make perfect... maybe I could convince my brother to bring his own cup everytime gets boba. LOL (Maybe not). Not that these materials are huge factors in GHGs, I think every little item matters because that's one less item in landfills. Overall, minimizing food waste is best in reducing GHG. We must consider the GHGs related to packaging compared to the food that it saves. If the amount of GHG coming from food production is large, it may be worth it to maximize packaging to save the food... Just something to think about!

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